Hello, I'm 

I'm a mechatronics engineer with a passion for programming, electrical/electronics, and mechanical systems.

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Who am I?

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Hi there, I'm Matthew Clout, a mechatronics engineer with a passion for software and hardware development, and interconnecting devices with electronics. Starting from PIC microcontrollers, through to arduino, raspberry pi's, and robots including Kuka and Schunk. I've worked with 3D modelling software, 3D printing, and designing for manufacture of components. I've designed, built and tested electrical control panels for controlling robotic systems, with PLCs, safety controllers, power supplier, single board computers, and more.

I've had a interest for electronics and technology for as long as I can remember, building computers and being tech support for the family as a kid.

As a engineer, I am interested in how things work, how to optimise them, and improve on them.


Below is a list of some of the skills I have acquired during my career so far! I am constantly learning new and exciting skills.


This is my resume below!
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