Idea Board

What is this?

I come up with many ideas, but haven't had the time to implement them all. So here are some of the ideas I have come up with, I'll add more as I think of them. I may start to add skills I want to learn too. I don't expect these projects to be profitable, more a good learning experience and maybe become useful to someone out there.


I don't know what to put here yet.
AI Report writing
With AI becoming widely used in industries, this type of website would provide a good learning experience for connecting to AI libraries and API's. The idea is to allow users to create report writing templates that can be used by others.
Learning objectives: AI, API, Front-end, Databases, nextjs or other frameworks.
I don't know what to put here yet.
Pivotal Tracker
Pivotal Tracker is a product that already exists, used for agile project management. This could be a good exercise and worthwhile project to learn draggable divs, multiple users, and databases.
Learning objectives: Databases, Front-end
I don't know what to put here yet.
Nutrition API
I like the idea of tracking nutritional information, however, there isn't an API that exists that allow others to create their own apps. I want to create an open source nutrional information website that people can add products to and not be forced behind a paywall.
Learning objectives: API, Database, tokens, user dashboard

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